Rusty (Give a Dog a Name)

Rusty (Give a Dog a Name)

Message for “Name a Dog” donation:
I just lost my best boy, Rusty, who was a rescue. I got him when he was 11 months old. At 11 1/2 years old, he was having heart failure and recently crossed the rainbow bridge. My heart is broken. This donation is in memory of Rusty.
– Lisa Todd

Rusty was time stamped for euthanasia at a very high kill rural shelter.  We don’t have any information or history on him other than the shelter reporting him to be shy, but social. He is currently at a boarding facility where he keeps to himself enjoying a warm, safe spot for the first time in a very long time (if ever). Due to having no information on Rusty, we are looking for a foster or committed home willing to let him rest and allow his Boxer personality to emerge. The ideal home would have no small children and a fenced in yard to help him feel safe. Will you help us help Rusty find his wiggle again?