
Note: We work only within Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, northern Virginia, Washington DC, New Hampshire (within an hour of Massachusetts) and Rhode Island (adoptions only). All applications are subject to the availability of volunteers in your area, and applications submitted from bordering states may be considered depending on the availability of volunteers near your home.

Since most requirements for fostering and adopting are the same, the applications are the same.  You need the following info: Your veterinary contact information for current / past pets (if applicable), and contact info for three personal references.  The app will be part of the adoption contract if you are approved.  Renters must provide landlord contact information.

PLEASE READ BEFORE PROCEEDING: Most of our volunteers are located in or around major cities and their suburbs.  The home visit is a crucial part of the application review.  It’s possible that we may not have a volunteer close enough to your location to complete your review.  There is no way for us to know this at this point and time in the application process.  If this is a gating factor in your decision to completing this application, STOP, and do not start this application process. The app is long (about 6 to 7 pages), there is a small fee (non-refundable adoption donation – See Below) to submit the app, and we really don’t want any unhappy or angry people thinking they got a raw deal.  This process may not be to your liking, and there are so many dogs in local shelters that might be better for you.

Non-refundable adoption donation – It takes donations to keep a rescue running, and a volunteer’s time and energy to review and process these applications.  We have instituted an adoption application donation of $20. You will see it at the bottom of the application, before you agree to submit. Your donation will help us care for the boxers. It does not ensure that your application will make it through this five (5) step review process, or that you will be approved to adopt.  It is not refundable.

Also at the bottom of this app is a feature to “Suspend and Resume” your application. We would prefer that you gather all information prior to starting the app, and finish in one session. However, you can use this link if you need to gather additional information, or wish to reconsider your answers, or just don’t have time to finish. When you use this link, your answers to your application are saved, and no donation fee is sent. An email will be sent with the link to resume your application. The link can be used for up to 30 days.  Note: We have found that some email hosts like AOL and cable companies treat this email as spam and junk mail or seems to bounce back this email entirely.

Please review our standard contract before proceeding with your application.

Are you looking to adopt now? We are in immediate need of homes. It is life or death for the dogs we save. If you are not ready to adopt now, do not apply at this time. Wait until you are ready to adopt to apply. We need to focus on homes who can step up and help us save their lives now.

Potential Adopt A Boxer Rescue Adopters.
If you are adopting a pet from AABR please review our adoption contact. If you do not agree with this contact the adoption will be voided.