Stella (Give a Dog a Name)


Status: Available

Gender: Female

State: Maryland

FA #: 11

Tag #: 00726

Age: 7-8 years

Date of Birth:

Weight: 47 lbs

Hair Color: White

Ears: Natural ears

Tail: Docked tail

Reported Good With: Male Dogs


Kids Age Range: Kids 5 and older

Message for “Name a Dog” donation:
Thank you, Deborah Miller, for donating in memory of Stella, an AABR alum.

Stella continues to do great in foster.  She is a gentle, loving girl.  Stella is happy to jump on the couch and snuggle next to you.  She gets along great with her foster brother, who is twice her size.  Stella is fully housebroken.  She enjoys her morning and afternoon walks whether it is sunny or raining.  Stella wears a raincoat without any issues.  She looks forward to car rides and is very well behaved.  Stella is just a wonderful boxer who will be a great companion for almost any family.  Her affection, zest for life, and happy demeanor will always bring a smile to your face.


Stella has been at her new foster home in Virginia for a week now.  She is recovering well from her spay and Stella is getting along great with her new foster brother, a male boxer.  Her foster dad reports that Stella is joyful, confident, happy, and obedient.  In just a week, Stella learned how to use the doggy door and how to walk on a double leash with her foster brother.  She entertains herself with stuffed toys and balls.  Stella is an amazing and loving girl.


Stella and Link were found as strays in very rough shape.  They were taken to a local shelter and were not reclaimed by their owners.  Stella is currently in a temporary placement while she waits for her surgery this week.  She will then be moving to her new foster home this weekend.  Stella’s temporary foster mom reports that she is a very sweet girl.  She will be spayed and getting a dental in a few days.  Our vet estimated that Stella is around 7-8 years of age.  We will update Stella’s page when she arrives at her new foster home and they learn more about her.


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