

Status: Available

Gender: Female

State: Pennsylvania

FA #:

Tag #: 001226

Age: 4 years old

Date of Birth:

Weight: 65 lbs

Hair Color: Reverse Brindle or Black

Ears: Natural ears

Tail: Natural tail

Reported Good With: Children Under 12, Children 12 & Older, Cats, Male Dogs


Kids Age Range: Kids All Ages

Update 02/13/25

She had her spay yesterday so she’s unimpressed with her new limits. But she has been one of the easiest fosters we’ve had. She just follows the lead of my two. She eats in the kitchen with them now, loves to be outside with my boy, and adores her people. She goes in the crate when told. She lies down on her own when we’re are eating dinner and knows not to be under foot when with me in the kitchen. If any applicants have cats, she’d be perfect. If she gets too frisky, you just have to tell her no or to sit and settles immediately.
Sparkle looks like a new girl after leaving the breeder that forced her to live outside on her own. The day we picked her up

Alone and defeated. She now has a smile and is loving her indoor living being part of a family. Be part of her journey and give her the best years of her life.

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