Laila Jane (Name a dog )


Status: Adopted

Gender: Female

State: Pennsylvania

FA #: 01

Tag #: 001260

Age: 9 months

Date of Birth: 02/24/2024

Weight: 46 lbs

Hair Color: Brindle and White

Ears: Natural ears

Tail: Docked tail

Reported Good With: Children Under 12, Children 12 & Older, Male Dogs

Kids Age Range: Kids All Ages

Message for “Name a Dog” donation:
Thank you, Pam Rowlands, for giving Laila Jane her name.

We welcomed Laila Jane and her sister, Kiaya, in rescue on our birthday. They come to us from a mill who is no longer going to breed boxers. (Kodak, Paisley, Nibbles, and Roxy were also released from this mill). Laila Jane and her sister are 9 months old and full of everything puppy. They are adjusting to indoor life, house training, and house rules. They will do best in a home that has time for training. They would benefit from an adult resident dog and a fence.