

Status: Available

Gender: Male

State: New York

FA #:

Tag #:

Age: 18 months

Date of Birth:

Weight: 60lbs

Hair Color: White

Ears: Natural ears

Tail: Natural tail

Reported Good With: Children Under 12, Children 12 & Older, Female Dogs

Requires: A physical fence

Kids Age Range: Unknown at this time

Kyle and two other Boxers, Kendrick and Kiki were brought to a very high kill together.

Kyle loves all dogs, he is sweet, gentle and unassuming. He is currently in foster care with another older male Boxer, and a young blind female Boxer. He loves to spend time on the couch, go for walks and spend endless hours on social media with the teenage girls in the home.
He is just about the sweetest boy you could ever find and would make a wonderful addition to just about any lucky home.



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