

Status: Adopted

Gender: Male

State: New York

FA #:

Tag #:

Age: 6 months

Date of Birth: 7/4/24

Weight: 26 lbs

Hair Color: Fawn

Ears: Natural ears

Tail: Docked tail

Reported Good With: Children Under 12, Children 12 & Older, Female Dogs

Kids Age Range: Kids 8 and older

Jackson is an almost 6 month old Bulldog puppy that was just released from a pet store. He is all wrinkles and we just can’t get enough of him.😍
Jackson spent his entire life up until now in a cage. He needs a home willing to help him navigate a world outside of a cage. He absolutely loves other dogs and craves human affection.  Jackson deserves the best home and we can’t wait to find it for him.✨