

Status: Adopted

Gender: Male

State: Massachusetts

FA #:

Tag #:

Age: 2 years

Date of Birth:

Weight: 24 lbs

Hair Color: Fawn

Ears: Natural ears

Tail: Natural tail

Reported Good With: Male Dogs, Female Dogs

Kids Age Range: Unknown at this time

Finn has arrived in the United States and was able to go directly to a new home for adoption.

Finn is an adorable pug mix from Turkey. He is just under 2 years old. Finn is very dog and people friendly. He has been living peacefully with a pack of larger dogs. We are looking for a hero so Finn can catch a ride with the boxers who are coming soon to the United States in mid-June. We do not want to leave him behind. Can you foster or adopt this 24 lb boy with a giant spirit?