Darwin (Give a Dog a Name)


Status: Adopted

Gender: Male

State: Pennsylvania

FA #:

Tag #: 001252

Age: 1-2 years

Date of Birth:

Weight: 42 lbs

Hair Color: Fawn

Ears: Natural ears

Tail: Natural tail

Reported Good With: Female Dogs

Kids Age Range: Unknown at this time

Message for “Name a Dog” donation:
Darwin was my first Boxer. He was the love of my life and he was even in one of AABR’s previous calendars. I was forever smitten by the breed. Darwin was the most dignified gentleman. He was my best friend; the great bug defender; the Darwin Quirin “Tatty of all tats”; the co pilot and rest stop protector on trips; the Jeep with the top down, feet on the dashboard, motorcycle saluting Big D bubby of mine; cuteness with the velvet ears; and frito smelling feet love of my life.
– Gretchen Quirin

11/06/24 update
Darwin is vetted and is ready for his forever family.


Darwin was found in a community park and dropped off at an over capacity city shelter.  He is dog friendly and very sweet.  Darwin will be vetted soon and ready for adoption.