

Status: Adopted

Gender: Male

State: New York

FA #:

Tag #:

Age: 12 weeks

Date of Birth:


Hair Color: Brindle and White

Ears: Natural ears

Tail: Docked tail

Reported Good With: Children Under 12, Children 12 & Older, Cats, Female Dogs

Kids Age Range: Kids 5 and older

We received an urgent plea from a veterinary partner regarding a 10 week old puppy that was brought in by an Amish puppy mill owner. The puppy suddenly was unable to use his hind legs. We immediately had this puppy, Cooper, transferred to a specialty hospital. After many diagnostics with his neurology team, it was determined that Cooper had a spinal stroke. A minuscule piece of his vertebrae broke off and traveled into his blood stream. Baby Cooper has an 85-90% chance of making a full recovery. He is getting stronger and leaking less every day. Cooper is now ready to be discharged from the hospital, but he needs a foster or forever home to go to. Cooper is just a baby and he should be doing puppy things and having fun – not waiting in a hospital.