Bryson Bear * Name a dog name


Status: Adopted

Gender: Male

State: New York

FA #: 01

Tag #:

Age: 3-4 years

Date of Birth: unknown

Weight: 55

Hair Color: Reverse Brindle or Black

Ears: Natural ears

Tail: Natural tail

Reported Good With: Children Under 12, Children 12 & Older, Female Dogs

Kids Age Range: Kids 5 and older


Meet Bryson

Bryson comes to us through a rescue partner in NYC. He was picked up as a stray, turned in to the shelter  and his finders said they would like to adopt when his stray hold up- they Never came for Bryson.

He is reported to be well mannered, happy go lucky boy estimated to be around 3-4 ish but out volunteer say he is full of inquisitive puppy play.

We are looking to place Bryon in a home with a female friend (no cat history) but he is confident enough to be an onlt.

Shelter reports him to be good with children over 5 ( because he is the zommie king!)


Thank you Yadhira Zenoni for the name Bryson Bear in honor of your Bryson Bear

The reasoning behind the name is because our foster fail turned forever dog was name Bryson. He recently passed last year. I am choosing this name because Bryson was a very giving dog. We would’ve loved to see him become a father ( although we fully understand and agree with him having been neutered) to his own puppy one day. During his short 1 year of life with us (5 lived) he helped our foster pups feel welcome and was very fatherly to them. He also helped save the life of another ill dog by donating blood and received his hero award! I truly believe Bryson would’ve wanted his name to be passed on and allowed his name to be carried on with joy. He loved any foster pup we took in and I believe this is also a good way to share the beautiful dog Bryson was ❤️