Andy *Name a dog


Status: Adopted

Gender: Male

State: Pennsylvania

FA #: 02

Tag #: 000954

Age: 14 weeks

Date of Birth: 5/8/24

Weight: 26 lbs

Hair Color: Brindle

Ears: Natural ears

Tail: Docked tail

Reported Good With: Children Under 12, Children 12 & Older, Female Dogs

Kids Age Range: Kids All Ages

Thank you Jacqueline Taylor for Andy’s name after your beloved Andy.

We had a beloved boxer name Andy. He was very loving, fun, handsome and energetic! Everyone loved him! We lost him way too soon. He lives in our hearts and we want to honor him by naming another boxer Andy!

Meet our Andy. Andy comes to us from a puppy mill. He didn’t sell as expected and was told to leave. No revenue- no stay!

That was Andy’s lucky day. He joined rescue and is now in foster care. He will be fully vetted and available for adoption to a home that has the time and energy to train a puppy.