

Status: On Hold

Gender: Female

State: Pennsylvania

FA #: 11

Tag #: 00710

Age: 8-12 months

Date of Birth:

Weight: 35 lbs

Hair Color: Brindle

Ears: Natural ears

Tail: Natural tail

Reported Good With: Male Dogs


Kids Age Range: Unknown at this time

Catie has received a surgical consult and an ultrasound to figure out her bladder concerns. We now have a diagnosis and a plan in place for Catie! She has been diagnosed with Bilateral Extramural Ureters and Left Renal Pylectasia. This was caused by abnormal development in the womb. Both of her urethras attach to the bottom of the bladder, rather than the top. This causes Catie to be unable to hold her urine, which has resulted in chronic bladder infections and incontinence. Internal medicine will first do a scope and then a specialist will surgically put both urethras where they should be. Catie will also be spayed during the surgery. Following this procedure, Catie’s life is going to change dramatically! She will get to be diaper free and she will not have to experience any more pain or discomfort from bladder infections. The surgery will also stop any further kidney damage. Once she heals, Catie will be taken off medical hold and she will be ready to find her forever home. She is scheduled for her surgery at the beginning of October. Please consider donating for Catie – the medical procedure will be expensive (the estimate we have received is $5000-6000), but the specialists are very optimistic about her prognosis! This young girl has an amazing disposition and we are looking forward to finding the best family for her when Catie is ready for adoption.


This petite boxer girl was first noticed a month ago running between the beltway in Baltimore and a business. A kind person was feeding her and trying to keep her close, but she kept running to the beltway and was even seen on the on/off ramp. Recognizing the urgency of keeping her safe, the Lost Animal Resource Group was able to trap Catie. She was emaciated, exhausted, and covered in ticks. After being bathed, hundreds of ticks fell off. Catie has since been given flea/tick preventative and she has been steadily gaining weight with a proper diet. She officially joined AABR last weekend once her stray hold ended and Catie has visited our vet to get evaluated and to receive her vaccines.  Catie was also treated for a urinary tract infection and Coccidia. We are not sure of her exact age, but we are estimating she is somewhere around 8 months to a year, possibly younger.  Catie currently weighs just 28 lbs.  She is now in a foster home in Pennsylvania, where she has been settling in well and getting along great with the two other dogs.  We have noticed a lot of leaking, though, and Catie is scheduled to see a specialist in two weeks to try to figure out the cause.  Please consider donating towards her care – she has already been through so much at such a young age and we will do everything possible to get her healthy and into the best forever home.


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