

Status: Available

Gender: Male

State: New York

FA #:

Tag #:

Age: 7ys

Date of Birth:


Hair Color: Fawn

Ears: Natural ears

Tail: Docked tail

Reported Good With: Children Under 12, Children 12 & Older, Female Dogs

Kids Age Range: Unknown at this time

Blaze had been struggling to gain and keep weight on. He is currently on medical hold giving him and his veterinary team time to find an adequate treatment plan.

Blaze has lost everything he has ever known and loved.
He is currently in temporary foster care until he makes his way to us in just a few short weeks. We would love to have a foster or forever home waiting for him, this sweet boy wouldn’t do well in boarding with a broken heart.

Blaze is 7 years of age, and a gentle sweetie. He is great with all dogs of all sizes and clings to anyone that shows him kindness.

Please help mend his broken heart, he is desperately searching to belong.