

Status: Adopted

Gender: Female

State: Pennsylvania

FA #:

Tag #: 000665

Age: 4 years, 11 months

Date of Birth: 10/17/18

Weight: 65 lbs

Hair Color: Fawn

Ears: Natural ears

Tail: Docked tail

Reported Good With: Children Under 12, Children 12 & Older, Male Dogs

Kids Age Range: Kids 5 and older

Goldie is a sweet mill girl who is quickly becoming the dog she was always meant to be. She loves squeaky toys, does great in the crate, walks like a dream on the leash in town and in the woods, and has the confidence to romp around the backyard. Goldie is a shy girl, but warms up quickly – especially if a good back rub or scratch behind the ears is involved. This girl is as good as gold.


Goldie has been retired. The mills are dumping them right and left because sales are slow.  This girl can’t wait for a family of her own. For years she watched her puppies get families, but now it is her turn.