Yara (Give a Dog a Name)


Status: Adopted

Gender: Female

State: Maryland

FA #: 11

Tag #: 00693

Age: 1 year, 3 months

Date of Birth: 3/25/2023

Weight: 43 lbs

Hair Color: Fawn

Ears: Natural ears

Tail: Natural tail

Reported Good With: Male Dogs

Kids Age Range: Kids 5 and older

Message for “Name a Dog” donation:
Thank you, Ellen Neylan, for giving Yara her name.

Yara will be with her foster family a year next month, and we would love nothing more than to help this girl find a forever home of her own to settle into. We aren’t sure why she hasn’t had more interest, as Yara has so many wonderful qualities. She is dog friendly, people friendly, and she does great in her crate – often going in on her own when she knows her foster family is leaving or when she wants to relax. Yara also enjoys spending time outside in her fenced yard and playing with her ball. She is a young girl who just turned a year old. Yara is looking for a home with a securely fenced yard and a male dog companion. Although her foster family adores her, Yara needs to find a forever home for adoption. Please share her story and help us find her a wonderful home that meets her needs.

Yara still has not received any interest for adoption, so we are posting another plea for her. She has been waiting in rescue since she was four months old after being pulled from a hoarding situation in West Virginia. She turned a year old in March and although she is doing well in foster, we would love to find this girl a forever home of her own. She is a petite girl, weighing only 42 lbs. Yara still gets very anxious on walks, but she loves nothing more than being outside in her yard. For this reason, we are looking for a home with a securely fenced yard for her. Her favorite activity is playing with her ball outside. Yara would really enjoy a male dog companion to play with and to help build her confidence. She is an extremely sweet girl – Yara loves her toys, her foster brother (a male boxer), and she will give kisses when you ask her. Yara will go to her crate to relax and will head right there if she sees her foster family getting ready to go out. If you meet Yara’s needs, submit an application today to give this girl a home.


Yara celebrated her first birthday last month with her foster family. She has been in rescue for 8 months now and we would love to find this sweet girl a forever home of her own. She came from a seizure as a young puppy, but she has been thriving with the socialization and structure that her foster family has provided.  Yara would love to have an energetic dog companion to play with. She also really enjoys being out in her yard.  Yara does well with her crate and she will run right in when her foster family has to leave.  Can you give this young girl a home of her own?



Yara arrived in rescue as a four month old puppy. She is now 10 months old and is still patiently waiting for a family to show interest in her. Yara has come so far in her foster home. She is in foster with a male boxer and Yara also enjoys playing with the neighbor’s dog. She is not asking for much – a fenced yard and at least one male dog companion would be very beneficial for Yara.  She is still full of puppy energy, but Yara loves to nap as well. We would love to see her be able to get settled in with a forever family of her own.  Yara is a sweet girl who picks up on new things quickly. Apply today if you can provide a home for this wonderful boxer mix puppy!


Yara is now 8 months old and she has been in foster for the past four months. Her Christmas wish is to finally find a forever home of her own. Yara has made so much progress with her foster family. She is full of puppy energy and would love a fenced yard and a young dog companion who will romp and play with her. Yara enjoys playing tug of war with her toys and she will fetch a ball and actually bring it back to you. Yara also knows how to cuddle and she will plop right down next to you when she is ready to snuggle. Yara is really smart – she already knows her basic commands like “sit” and she will give you a high five. She walks better on leash with her harness. She has been going on trips to Harley shops with her foster parents to get some socialization with people.  Yara will sit very nicely in the hopes of getting a treat.  She is a little nervous when she first meets people, but once they say hello and pet her – Yara warms right up to them.  She has been a great office companion for her foster mom.  Yara reminds her to stop and play a little bit each day. She is completely potty trained and when she sees her foster family getting ready to go out, Yara will run to her crate to wait and see if she is joining them or taking a rest.   If you meet her needs, please grant Yara her wish and submit an application for this young girl!


Yara is part of the seizure of 30 dogs from a home in West Virginia. Her previous owner is facing animal cruelty charges after the dogs were found to be living in deplorable conditions with bags of trash, bags of clothing, and dog feces and urine all over the house. Many of the dogs did not have access to food or water, or were found with corn as their primary food. Several of the dogs that were not kept in crates had resorted to eating the drywall. All of the puppies and adult dogs were weak and underweight when they arrived at the shelter. They were infested with fleas and parasites. Many of them had open sores and terrible skin conditions. AABR was able to take 10 of these boxers and boxer mixes into our care. We have worked hard to bring them all back to good health. Yara continues to make great progress in her foster home. She is now spayed and up to date on all vet care. She is getting used to walking with her harness, but would prefer a fenced yard to run and play in. Yara is currently in foster with a male boxer and she is learning confidence and socialization from her foster brother. Yara is still a little nervous of new surroundings, but she is increasing her confidence with time and patience.  If you feel your home is a good match for Yara, apply today for this 7 month old girl.  She is a petite girl who is going to make a great addition to someone’s family.

Yara is doing great in her foster home. She has been making a lot of improvements with her housetraining. She is a very sweet puppy who loves to play with her toys. She also enjoys being around her two boxer foster siblings. Yara is not a fan of walking on leash, so she would do best with a securely fenced yard while she works on leash training. Yara was spayed last week and she is recovering nicely. She is now up to date on all vet care and ready for a forever home of her own!


Yara is a 5 month old girl who has settled in well in her foster home! She loves the other dogs in her foster home. Yara is doing great with her crate training. At night, she quickly lays down and goes to sleep in her crate. Yara also loves to be outside exploring and she is very content to chew her toys. She knows sit and she has learned to sit before eating.  Yara will need some work with leash walking because she does get a little nervous in new surroundings. She really is a sweet girl and would make the right family very happy.


A shelter in West Virginia seized over thirty dogs from a breeder who became overwhelmed and was not properly caring for them. AABR had already transported a mom and five puppies into rescue several weeks ago. We were able to get four additional 4 month old puppies out of the shelter and into foster homes in Maryland this weekend. All of the dogs are being seen at the vet and treated for their past neglect and lack of vet care. Yara (donated name) is now in a foster home with two other dogs. She will see a vet soon for the first time. Her foster mom indicates that Yara is settling in and doing well with her housetraining. Yara is enjoying life inside a loving home and will be ready soon for a forever family. She would love a home with a male dog to help her continue to socialize and acclimate in a home setting. Yara will need someone home enough to work on her housebreaking and training. If your home is a match for a puppy this age, apply today for Yara!