

Status: Available

Gender: Male

State: New York

FA #:

Tag #:

Age: 2-3yrs

Date of Birth:

Weight: 47lbs

Hair Color: Fawn

Ears: Natural ears

Tail: Docked tail

Reported Good With: Children Under 12, Children 12 & Older, Cats, Female Dogs

Requires: A physical fence

Kids Age Range: Kids 10 and older

Fred was found as a stray in a popular dumping ground for dogs hopping around on three legs. He trustingly followed one of our volunteers to her car and got right in. Upon arrival to the veterinarian, X-rays revealed a very old fracture in the leg that could not be repaired, unfortunately, amputation was the only option. Fred is currently in a foster home with other dogs and a cat. He enjoys playing with the cat and enjoy spending time with well behaved polite dogs that match his personality.

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